Building Facade Protection
Whether the facade of your building is made from concrete, brick, render, cladding or stone; Urban Hygiene’s Wall Waterproofer + Anti-Mould Fungicide is the best value Waterproof building treatment you are looking for. Engineered for a 10+ year lifespan, applying this invisible impregnation treatment to your building the very next time you clean will return on investment and ensure your building stands out clearly from the crowd.
Algae and green moss prevention
For long term resistance to natural contaminants such as mould, moss, lichens and algae this durable Wall Waterproofer has an added Fungicide Biocide which prevents the growth of all green life. Even on low light, south-facing walls, which often stay damp due to the lack of sunlight, this permanent moss and algae prevention system will totally inhibit growth and keep sandstone, concrete, brick, natural stone and render walls looking clean and the colour they were intended to look.
Traffic Film Resistance
Our inner city building facades are increasingly becoming choked with pollutants from the traffic driving by below. Combustion engine driven; Cars, Vans, Trucks and Busses all spew out CO2 which combines with other contaminants in the air to form smog, which in turn, lands on our buildings and is absorbed by porous substrates such as brick concrete and stone.